
Snooze Item Notifications

Tired of getting notifications about a specific Item in KaiNexus? Opt out of receiving updates.

By snoozing an Item's notifications, you can stop receiving any in-app notifications about it. This only stops notifications for you, not anyone else in the system.

Some notifications will still be sent from a snoozed Item, such as:

  • Email notifications about important changes to the Item (e.g. the Resolution being submitted or the Item being deleted or assigned to you).
  • Comment emails if the person who entered the comment chose to email it to you directly.
  • In-app notifications if you were mentioned in a comment
  • A reminder you set on that Item.

Snooze an Item's notifications

To snooze an Item's notifications, open the Item with which you want to work, then:

  • Click Actions in the top right corner of the page.

An Item work panel with an arrow pointing to the Actions button

  • Click Snooze in the resulting drop-down menu, and the Item's Snooze Notifications window will open. 
    • The Snooze Overdue checkbox: When enabled, you will no longer see the Overdue flag on this Item or in your Notifications window until the specified date.
    • The Snooze Other checkbox: When enabled, you will no longer see other (non-overdue) flags on this Item or in your Notifications window until the specified date.
    • The Snooze Nested Items checkbox: When enabled, you will no longer receive notifications about Items nested under this Item unless you are on the nested Item's Team.
      • If you are a Leader or Facilitator on the Parent Item, you will still receive Child Item notifications for escalations, de-escalations, and Threshold violations on Charts regardless of whether you are on the Team of the Child Item. 
    • Snooze Until: Select either the Specific Date or Forever radio button.
      • Specific Date: When selected, this Item will be snoozed only until the specified date. Select the date in the date field below the radio buttons.
      • Forever: When selected, this Item will be snoozed indefinitely.
    • Click Save. A flag will be added to the Item listing the date until which notifications will be snoozed. No one else will see this flag when accessing this Item.

Edit or clear the snooze settings

If you have already snoozed an Item's notifications but want to edit the snooze settings or clear them all together, open the Item then:

  • Locate the Snooze flag near the top of the Item.
  • To change the snooze settings, click Edit. Update the snooze settings as described above, then click Save.
  • To clear the snooze settings, click Clear. The Item will no longer be snoozed and notifications will resume.

An Item work panel with the edit and clear snooze buttons marked