People Lists

Custom People Lists

Create a People List that you can access anytime.

If you find yourself applying the same user filters every time you go to the People section, you should consider creating a custom People List. Your People List will remember that configuration so that the same filters and columns are applied each time you open it.

You can even create multiple custom People Lists to quickly and easily switch between certain filters and layouts.

Keep reading to learn about:

Access a custom People List

To access your custom People Lists:

  • Select the People drop-down in the navigation bar to access your custom People Lists. If you already have a People List saved, it will appear in the drop-down. The KaiNexus header with an arrow pointing to People
  • Select the name of the People List you want to open in the resulting drop-down menu.

Create a custom People List

Who can create a custom People List?

Anyone with the "View People" permission can access the People section and create custom People Lists.

Create a custom People List from the navigation bar

To create a custom People List from the navigation bar:

  • Click People in the navigation bar.

The KaiNexus header with an arrow pointing to People

  • Click Create List in the resulting drop-down and the User Filter window will open. 
    • Name: The name will be used to identify this People List.
    • Add any necessary filters.
    • Click Save. You will automatically be taken to the new List.

Create a custom People List from an existing People List

If you've added filters to an existing People List, you can save those filters as a new custom People List. To do so:

  • Click the Filter icon at the top of the People List. If you do not see this option, you may need to first click Filters to expand the List's filters.

    The User Filter window will open with your current filters already applied.

The People page with an arrow pointing to the filter icon

    • Click the Create New List checkbox. Once enabled, the checkbox's label will be replaced with a new field.
The User Filter with an arrow pointing to the Create New List checkbox

    • Name Your List: Enter the name of the new custom People List.
    • Click Save.

Edit a custom People List

To edit a custom People List:

  • Click People in the navigation bar.

The KaiNexus header with an arrow pointing to People

  • Hover over the name of the People List you want to edit.
  • Click the pencil icon that appears to its right. You'll be redirected to that People List and the User Filter window will open.
    • Make any necessary updates to the People List's name, filters, or other options.
    • Click Save. These updated settings will become the People List's default.

Delete a custom People List

Two Line OfieCAUTION: When you delete a People List, the People List is permanently removed from KaiNexus and can not be recovered.

To delete a custom People List:

  • Click People in the navigation bar.

The KaiNexus header with an arrow pointing to People

  • Hover over the name of the People List you want to delete.
  • Click the x icon that appears to its right.
  • In the resulting confirmation window, click Delete.

Customize People List columns

An advantage of People Lists is that you can customize which columns appear on your List. For example, you can add columns that reveal login information such as whether someone's account has been activated or display insights to a user's permissions, such as Role and Network Location. 

You can change the columns on your People List temporarily or you can make permanent changes. 

Temporarily change the columns

To change the columns on your People List:

  • Hover over the header of an existing column on your People List. A drop-down arrow will appear. 
  • Select the drop-down arrow. 
  • In the resulting menu, hover over Columns. You'll see a list of all the available columns you can add to your People List. 
    • Select the checkbox next to a column name to add it to your List.
    • Unselect the checkbox next to a column name to remove it from your List. 

Your changes will be temporary until you save your People List with the updated columns. 

Save your column changes 

Whenever you update the columns on your People List, you must re-save your People List for the changes to persist the next time you view the List. 

To save your People List: 

  • Select the filter icon to open the User Filter.
  • Select Create New List at the bottom of the User Filter. A field will appear where you can name your List. 
  • Enter a title for your People List. You can either keep the previous title or update it. 
  • Select Save