Types of Cards

Comment Cards

Make conversations visible by adding Comment Cards to Boards

While creating a Board, you are now able to add Comment Cards. Comment Cards are a great way to spotlight fun Comment threads, share acknowledgments, and hold conversations not attached to any particular Item. 

Be creative with Comment Cards! You can edit the title of the Card to say whatever you like. For example, you can title the Card “Office Updates” if you’d like to use a Comment Card to post important status updates on your office Board.

Comment Card Example

Adding a Comment Card to a Board

Who can add a Comment Card?

  • The Board's Owner, if they have the "Create Boards" permission.
  • The Board's Editors, if they have the "Create Boards" permission.
  • Anyone with the "Board Administrator" System Role Permission for the Board's Location

Ofie Profile PicWarning: Boards can have up to 16 Cards. Once a Board has 16 Cards, you won't be able to add or copy additional Cards to that Board. 

How to add a new Comment Card

Open the Board with which you want to work, then:
  • Select + Add on your Board.
  • Select Comments
  • If you’d like to edit the title of your Card, click the ellipses in the top right corner and select Edit Header.
  • Remember that if you Copy a Comment Card, the Comments will not carry over to the new Card.

Ofie Profile PicPro-Tip: If you are a Board or Card Editor, try pinning a Comment to the top of the Card. This is a great way to ensure specific comments are seen by everyone who views your Board. 

Example Use Cases

  • Leaving updates on Huddle Boards
  • Recognizing teammates for their contributions
  • Team communication not concerning any Item in particular
  • Announcements 
  • Small issues or updates that don’t need a formal Item

Ofie Profile PicWarning: Comment Cards cannot be exported. If you are exporting a Board with a Comment Card, we recommend changing the Board's Default Print Settings so that the Card is not included in the export. If not, a blank Card will appear on the PDF. 

Key Differences Between Comments on Items and Comment Cards 

Comment Cards share much of the same functionality as Comments in Items, but you should know a few key differences.

  • You cannot @mention another User in Comment Cards. 
  • Comment Cards do not support the use of images or tables.
  • There is no “Email Now” option when commenting on a Comment Card. 
  • If you are exporting a Board to a PDF, Comments will not appear.

Posting Comments on Comment Cards

Who can post a Comment?

Anyone who can View the Board can post a Comment. 

How to post a Comment 

To add a Comment to a Card, click into the text box, write your Comment, and then click Post.

Posting Comment on a Comment Card

Deleting and Editing Comments on Comment Cards

Who can delete and edit Comments? 

Anyone can delete or edit their own Comment on a Card. 

To delete or edit another User's Comment on a Card, you must have the Comment Administrator System Role Permission, and be any of the following

  • The Board's Owner, if they have the "Create Boards" permission.
  • A Board Administrator for the Board's Location
  • An Editor listed in the Comment Card's Permissions 

How to delete and edit a Comment

  • To delete or edit a Comment, hover over it. Additional options will appear beneath the Comment. 
     EditDelete Comment
    • Select Delete to remove your comment from the Comment Card. 
    • Select Edit to make changes to your comment.  

Ofie Profile PicOfie Warning: When you delete Comment Cards, the Comments are permanently deleted. Be extra careful when deleting comment cards!

Pin a Comment

Pin a comment to the top of the Comment Card when you want it to be easily seen by Board viewers. 

  • To pin a comment, hover over it and select Pin
    Pin Comment on Comment Card
  • Pinned comments will appear at the top of the Comment Card with a grey pin icon beside it. 
    • To unpin a comment, hover over it and select unpin. The unpinned comment will return to its original location in the Comment Card thread. 
  • You can pin multiple comments at the same time. The order of pinned comments will respect the order the comments were posted, with the newest comment appearing at the top of the list. 
  • Replies and Comments with replies cannot be pinned. 

Recommended Reading