Create New Items

Create a new Item via Email

Quickly create a new Item directly from your email.

Two Line OfieREQUIRED: Email submission must be enabled for your Template before you can submit new Items of that Template Type via email. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to enable email submission on your Template(s).

  • You can submit an Item to KaiNexus using a smartphone or any other email-capable device.
  • This feature can be enabled for as many Template Types as necessary.
  • The email must come from the email address associated with your KaiNexus account.

Two Line OfieNOTE: The email address from which you submit your Item must be associated with only one KaiNexus account.

How do I submit items via email?

From the email account associated with your KaiNexus account, create and send an email structured as follows:

  • To:
  • From: The email address registered with your KaiNexus Account.
  • CC: List any additional email address associated with exactly one KaiNexus user to add that person to the new Item as a Follower. 
  • Subject: "[Template Name]: [The Title]" (without quotation marks).
    • Replace Template Name with the Template the new Item should use.
    • Replace The Title with the title of the new Item.
  • Body: The body of your email will be added to one of the new Item's text areas. We recommend that you delete your email signature before sending the email.
  • Attach a file and that attachment will be added to the Item.